Saturday, July 24, 2021

The USA Government should have Strictly Controlled and Regulated Google and Twitter 5+ years ago.

Google continues to unfairly and illegally censor conservative USA Senators and Congressman.
No one is stopping Google, and Google is unfairly and illegally censoring this blog and web page.

Is Google unfairly censoring you or illegally spying on you?

USA Government please stop Google and Twitter from illegally censoring millions of people all over the world. Our government failed in the past, and now is the time to stand up and fight for freedom of speech for all people on earth.

As an author, I have felt like I was living in an online Nazi concentration camp for the last five years because of Google and Twitter illegally censoring me.

Why is this excellent article still illegally censored by Google?
Is is because it is positive for former President Trump?
I am not affiliated with any political party.
So, if I wrote a positive article about Joe Biden, would Google and Twitter censor it?

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Dear Lebron, Your current stance on policing is so off base and extreme. Your tweet that targeted a police officer in Ohio who saved a young woman’s life was irresponsible and disturbing.

From a Black Police Officer to Lebron James

Dear Lebron:

I am not going to come at you from a place of hatred. There will be no name calling. I was raised to see the whole of a human being. Not to hyper focus on their flaws or make said flaws the whole of who they are. I’m an honest man.

What you do for children, and other acts of charity shows a huge heart. You show to be a family man, and that’s to be respected. You play for the team my family has cheered for since the 1960s, then myself since 1979. But... Your current stance on policing is so off base and extreme. Your tweet that targeted a police officer in Ohio who saved a young woman’s life was irresponsible and disturbing. It showed a complete lack of understanding of the challenge of our job in the heat of a moment. You basically put a target on the back of a human being who had to make a split second decision to save a life from a deadly attack.

Thursday, April 08, 2021

SEO Link Building Service

SEO Link Building Service and Strategies
We receive thousands of phone calls, emails, link building questions and listing requests every year about SEO and link building techniques. Eighty percent or more of the people contacting us have terribly wrong ideas about what works and what is important for outstanding results in the major search engines. Below are details, samples, and history of people contacting us with their requirements. Hopefully, you will find useful SEO information that will help your company grow and increase your profits.

Many people phone our company saying, "I need low cost SEO, low quality backlinks, and tons of cheap links."

I respond, "Why?".... They say, "I want to out rank my competitors."
They think it is a pure numbers game, all links are equal and you get more and you win.  This is the wrong link building strategy, and these "cheap low quality techniques" will cause your website to be penalized by Google.

These people want fast outstanding results; they want to be #1 for competitive keyword phrases in 1-5 months.  Most people still do not understand that Google has penalized almost all of these cheap, crappy links and many people still do not even realize to vary their anchor text.  So the fastest way to be penalized by Google is to put up 1000+ low quality links on crappy websites and low quality Directories. 
Important Note: "If every url passes a review, the directory gets closer to just a list of links or a free-for-all link site." - Matt Cutts of Google

Then use the exact same anchor text for all these poor quality backlinks. People who do this might as well just email Google and say "please penalize my site, I am a dumb-ass and I deserve to be penalized."

You need and want to be on Top Quality Sites and Directories.

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

The former content moderator at Facebook and Project Veritas Whistleblower Ryan Hartwig, and Former Google employee Zach Vorhies penned an open letter to Congress, urging lawmakers to limit Facebook's power to stifle political expression. One America's John Hines spoke to Hartwig about his letter and has this report.

I believe there is an ongoing conspiracy between Jack Dorsey, Larry Page , Sergey Brin, Eric Schmitt, and Mark Zuckerberg to illegally influence elections worldwide. This illegal conspiracy started in 2016, immediately after President Trump won the 2016 elections. Please see my evidence in the next 30 articles below. I also have a lot more evidence that I have given in private to the US Government Investigators. Furthermore, there are multiple videos on this blog from a current Google employee caught in an undercover sting, a former Google senior engineer that became an American hero and whistle-blower, named, and a third interview with a Dutch YouTube show that provides even more detailed evidence. Zach gave the DOJ, 950 pages of Google internal documents which include Blacklists
I am a victim of those blacklists, and then in efforts to silence me Google and Twitter illegally committed multiple felony crimes against me and my family. Media Page

Friday, February 05, 2021

Learn how Google illegally edits and censors innocent people, including former US President Trump, US Congressman, US Senators and me.

Learn how Google illegally censors millions of people, including former USA President Trump, USA Congressman, USA Senators, and me.
I have sent several emails to the DOJ and the state Attorney General's providing evidence of Google and Twitter illegally conspiring together to interfere in our elections.

The big problem Google has when they are lying to the US Congress, and illegally manipulating our elections, is that Google cannot hide their search results, which expose the truth of Google's illegal scams. 

Please search for the highlighted text below.
Google inflicted all (see below) of this horrible punishment upon me, because I was defending the President of the USA, and I want President Trump to have a fair 2020
The text is copied from this webpage:

When you do a search for that many keywords from a webpage, Google and Bing search results should be almost identical. 

The search results below are from Bing.

The search results below are from Google.

Now you see exactly how Google is illegally censoring millions of President Trump supporters.
This is only one of many methods Google uses to illegally censor people.

Government Investigators worldwide, please see evidence against Google and Twitter

Most people (90%) believe Google is the best search engine. However these search results prove that Bing is 3900% better than Google, or that Google is illegally censoring my content.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Google continues to illegally censor USA Senators and Congressman, DOJ please stop Google from interfering in our elections.

 My post on Parler

Google is illegally censoring USA Senator Josh Hawley, and Congressman Matt Gaetz, etc.

From: Tom Forrest <>
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 9:15 AM
To:;;; AG Webteam [AG <>;;;;;;;
Cc: Tom Forrest <>
Subject: Google is still illegally censoring USA Senators and Congressman, please stop Google from interfering in our elections.
Importance: High

Google is still illegally censoring USA Senators and Congressman, please stop Google from interfering in our elections.

Google also illegally downloaded custom spy software onto my Android phone.

I want to give the phone with the evidence on it to the DOJ and FBI.

Why is no one contacting me?

Tom Forrest



Tuesday, January 05, 2021

When will Google admit the fact that they make manual manipulations of their search engine results?

Google is illegally censoring this article.

Guess Who is Watching Me?

Google has continued to make over 6 different manual manipulations to my blog this week. 100% of the current search results for "GotoTom2" have all been created by manual manipulation.
Frankly, an automated search engine would always put my home page as #1 for a search "GotoTom2". 

If a home page is missing for this type of search there is a 99.98% chance it was caused by a manual manipulation by a human working for Google. Ask Larry Page, he will tell you I am correct.
Furthermore, my homepage has been #1 for a Google search for the keyword "GotoTom2" for 14 years.
Then when I write an article critical of Google, or positive about President Trump, my homepage disappears completely from Google. So all other authors you should be afraid to write any article critical of Google, just read about what Google has done to me.
I have a solution for you, put a link to this blog on your site and send people here so they learn about the evil work Google is doing.

I am not afraid of the big Bully Google.
Because Google now knows the US Government Investigators are reading my blog.

Google has been caught making manual manipulations to their search engine results by two people.
  1. Mike Wacker  
  2. Tom Forrest

The Google CEO - Sundar Pichai said, No.
We don’t manually intervene on any particular search result.” when he testified to the USA Congress under oath. That is a blatant lie.

Google, how many times must you be busted and embarrassed before you give up on your evil ways? 

I believe Google will do more manual manipulation of my search engine results after they read this. Humans at Google manually created 3 different sets of search engine results for "GotoTom2", now Google is rotating these manually created search engine results on multiple different servers. 

All a Government investigator has to do is study the search results for "GotoTom2" for the last 90 days. Then the timeline will match exactly to the screen shots and timing events I mention in this blog.
Please see screenshots below.

When will the Google CEO admit to the secret Google blacklists published on ?

When will the Google CEO admit that Google makes huge amounts of search engine manual manipulations?

Google continues to make more manual manipulations to my search engine results. When an investigator catches Google it is important to document the facts. So the screenshot below was taken at exactly 5-24-20 at 7:56am which is the time when Google first manually created this search result.

Google does not want you to see my home page in their search engine results.

So please see the 6th or 7th manual manipulation of my search engine results this week.
Please note Google is hiding my homepage in their search engine results again. Also it is interesting because I notice Google is now bringing in smarter people to try to destroy me. I will just keep documenting all the evil things Google continues to do to harm me.
Instead of continuing to attack me because I am telling the truth about being illegally censored, Google should have guilt and remorse for the many years of pain and suffering that Google has caused me and thousands of other innocent authors.

  1. reparation for a wrong or injury.
    "Google should make atonement for creating Blacklists."

I have noticed some Internet attacks on Zach Vorhies by the usual suspects. This is silly, because I really do not care what else Zach does, the real issue is the Google documents I have personally seen. It would not matter to me if R.Kelly delivered the Google documents to me. Furthermore I am a victim of Google's blacklists and unfair censorship, and I have firsthand knowledge of Google's manual manipulations of their search engine results.

President Trump should give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to
Presidential Medal of Freedom, the foremost U.S. civilian decoration, awarded to individuals who have made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.”