Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Please see my Top Secret X posts below. They are posts that X might unfairly censor and Suspend my account for.

Please see my Top Secret X posts below

Google is unfairly censoring this Blog.
You should read whatever Google tries to hide from you.


I saw an interview of Elon Musk, where he stated he had bad timing on buying Twitter.

I Agree, Elon should have waited until just before Twitter was going to go bankrupt and close down.

Then he may have been able to purchase Twitter for $5 billion instead of $44 billion.

Updates 4-9-23
Last night I Busted Sundar Pichai's Spy/Crime goons in Google Indonesia breaking into my Blogs again. They are relentless criminals and will not stop attacking me.
They are fearless, because the FBI cannot arrest anyone in Indonesia without the permission of the very corrupt Indonesian government.

That is why Google's CEO Sundar Pichai and the CEO of Microsoft both have clandestine Spy/Crime operations in Indonesia. 
I Busted them both illegally colluding, and both illegally breaking in to my computers, my family's computers and illegally spying on all of us. Microsoft illegally broke into my Outlook and took all of my passwords, then locked me out of 25+ accounts.
E.g. Banks, my Healthcare, Amazon, PayPal, T-Mobile, etc.

This is the url that Google illegally edited and broke last night.

Then within 5 minutes of my email to Sundar Pichai, FCC, DOJ, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, etc. it was fixed.
If I had not noticed it, then it would have been disabled permanently.

Tomorrow, the relentless Google and Microsoft criminals will attack me again. This is why I need the corrupt USA DOJ and FBI to urgently arrest these criminals.

I have collected so much evidence against Google and Microsoft it is a big job just to document it all. The CEO's of Google and Microsoft are afraid to take any legal actions against me, because I am their Victim, and then all of my hundreds of pages of evidence would become public information, and placed into the official court records.

Google and Microsoft just want to hide all of my evidence of the felony crimes that they have committed.

Below, please see a sample of the illegal "Lock Code" Google put on my blogs so that I could not edit my content.

Please see a map of where the Google and Microsoft Spy/Crime operations in Indonesia are located.

More Secret Tweets coming soon.

I have to back date my Blogger posts, because Google illegally breaks into my Blogs and damages the User Interface.

Which forces me to backdate articles.