I have sent over 250,000 people to see this video.
Google also deletes the comments.
Google restored the content they deleted, however it was impossible for Google to fix it without illegally breaking into my blogs again.
This uncover video tells the whole truth about what is really happening at Google today. Hopefully more Google employees will be brave and become heroes like Mike Wacker and Zach Vorhies are. These guys are specific examples for people worldwide to see American heroes in action, and how they are not afraid to stand up and "do the right thing in life".
Please send emails to: Voting.Section@USDOJ.gov and ask the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate and regulate out of control Google.
Also copy webteam@ag.iowa.gov on any emails you send to the USDOJ, as multiple government organizations are currently investigating Google.
Hey Google, you have been abusing me and unfairly censoring me since 2016, however I am unimportant compared to having fair elections.
I am a victim of your inappropriate censorship and I see firsthand all your evil manual manipulations of the search results.
Both Republicans and Democrats should all want fair elections with no meddling from Google.