Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kamala Harris is a Communist Democrat that wants to Defund the Police, she is a left wing hack. Kamala is our Border Czar.

One of the Democrats dumbest ideas was to defund the Police.

Defective Kamala Harris is the lame and useless USA Border Czar.

Kamala Harris is a lame and defective Marxist liar that is trying to Gaslight the entire USA.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

President Donald Trump Speeches and Videos - STOP Prosecuting Trump - The Corrupt DOJ and FBI

There was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, there are three other injured people. President Trump has minor injuries, he was shot in the ear.
One of the Trump supporters was shot in the head and died.
You can hear a secret service agent say that the "shooter is down".

Evil Google is still illegally interfering in our elections.

Only negative comments about Trump are allowed on YouTube / Google.

Please never click on Google Ads, or you are funding Google's illegal election interference.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Please support the 21st Century Free Speech Act. Introduced by USA Senator Bill Hagerty. Regulate Big Tech like common carriers.

On 9-4-22 Google illegally broke into my Blogger account and damaged it.
In an effort to restrict how many people can see my content and to prevent me from logging into my account.

 Google does not support freedom of speech. Google censors more web content than communist China does.

Google is a Publisher, and has a monopoly on Internet search.

People that believe Google is not politically biased against Republicans and Conservatives are WRONG.

The evidence against Google is overwhelming.
For example if I search some text from the erroneous article that claims Google is not biased, it comes up #1 on Google.
If I search some unique text from my article, it is buried on Google far below the bonehead article.

 The screenshot shows how Google is unfairly censoring this article and is politically bias.
Google tries to fix the evidence when I bust them, so that is why I show the search results screenshot.
You can see how Google manually changed the search results after they read this article.

Google knows that they can gaslight many people, yet it is easy for me to bust evil Google. E.g., when you search on 20+ words on Google and the results show with all the words missing. That makes Google's nefarious manipulations clear and obvious.
Missing: humaneditorsconstantlyunfairlywebsites,incompetent,lamebrainshireintern.

Please support the 21st Century Free Speech Act.

By Tom Forrest

I am disappointed with the Republican party for not passing this new law when they controlled the USA Senate and Congress. Why do socialist Democrats think that people cannot decide for themselves what is "misinformation"?

I do not want the Government and/or Google deciding what I should be able to read or watch. Google has a monopoly on Internet search and must be stopped from discriminating against authors and content that Google does not like.
The Google human editors that constantly read my content and decide to unfairly censor me, conservative news websites, and Republican politicians are bias, incompetent, lamebrains that I would not even hire to work for my company as a free intern.

USA States can also enact laws to regulate Big Tech, however Google, etc. are fighting some new state laws in court. Specifically, states could simply impose non-discrimination requirements on social media and search engines. Non-discrimination is one of the oldest obligations of common carriers and requires them to accept all customers. Currently, airplanes and telephones still operate under this requirement. In the era of competitive telephony, local telephone companies had to interconnect with all long-distance companies.
However, a new Federal law would be the best option.

Senator Hagerty stated:
For too long Americans have watched Big Tech trample on the principles of the First Amendment.

Free speech, freedom of thought and belief, free assembly and the open exchange of ideas. As more information is filtered through online platforms, freedom of speech online is being terminated by Google, Bing, Facebook and Twitter. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

What is the "chain of command" when Google illegally spies on people? Why is Google using their Indonesia office to commit felony crimes against USA citizens?

  How many people is Google illegally spying on?

From: Tom Forrest 
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 4:29 PM
To:; AG Webteam [AG] ;;;;;;;; Tom Forrest 
Subject: Google breaking into my account using my son in laws Gmail login, which they took illegally.
Importance: High

Google busted red-handed again. 
Illegal break-in on June 10th, 2020
At 12:22 pm.

Google employees illegally read my son in laws Gmails, and broke into my Google accounts.
Google employees illegally read my Gmails, my sisters Gmails, my brothers Gmails, my friend Stuart's Gmails, my worker Ronald's Gmails.

Then Google employees illegally used the server login information they found in Ronald's Gmails, and Google employees illegally broke into my server and deleted web pages from my server.
Google employees illegally spied on my Blogger accounts, spied on me via Chrome, downloaded custom spy software on my computer and my Android phone. 
I also have evidence of Twitter and Google conspiring together to censor President Trump and his supporters.
I want justice for me and my family.

These screenshots are Google's "fingerprints" accidentally left at the crime scene.

How is Randy Jusuf  the manager of Google Indonesia involved in the illegal spying on me and my family?

Please look at the bottom of the screenshot below.
So my Google criminals are from West Java.

Google inflicted all (see below) of this horrible punishment upon me, because I was defending the President of the USA, and I want President Trump to have a fair 2020 election process. The American citizens should decide the 2020 election results, NOT Google. 

Google is still unfairly censoring all my content and Google has ignored my demands to stop unfairly censoring me.

Also Google must restore my international blogs to the proper working condition before Google illegally punished me like communist China might punish an author. 
I lost 60% of my Internet traffic because of Google's illegal actions against me. More importantly government leaders from all over the world read my blog and Google is deliberately trying to hide my excellent content from people all over the world. Especially any content that is positive about President Trump. 
Please click on the following links to see exactly what Google did to punish me.
Etc. I previously had an unique blog in every single country, and Google is trying many evil tricks in order to illegally censor me.
When will Google learn that I am a very intelligent person and I detect most of the dirty tricks Google trys. E.g. It is interesting because I know the Google legal team was involved in this evil process. I know because for any of the 27 EU countries Google was afraid (LOL) to mess with them, so they took my country blog down and forwarded it to my .com, which still killed all my traffic. Engineers do not make those types of decisions. That is an example of an attorney advising Google technical people.
Google must restore my international blogs the way they worked on 5-1-2020. I have sent emails to Larry Page about this and a copy of my emails to the Government Investigators. I dream of the day that I do not have to document all of this stuff. I just noticed what I believe to be some new sort of Google tracking software on my blog. I think Google may still be violating my privacy.
Yes, I just busted Google again. Government Investigators please study entry into my blog for the entire day. Earlier today Google installed some tracking software on my blog without my permission, then I caught them removing it today 5-29-2020, at 10:42pm. I believe you will catch Google red-handed again violating my privacy. 5-30-2020 at 12:23am I think the tracking software is back on now.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Please see the content of my article about Sundar Pichai the Google CEO, that Google illegally deleted on 12-8-23

Hello Patriots,

Google illegally deleted my factual content on 12-8-23

Google is a Publisher, that is unfairly censoring many authors. I published an email that I sent to Sundar Pichai, DOJ, FTC, and FCC about the evil Google CEO.
Google deleted the copy of my email.

Google is trying to hide my email, so that you cannot see my indisputable evidence.

The USA government and the DOJ need to file many more lawsuits against evil Google.

Friday, October 11, 2024

This is the copy of the content that Google illegally deleted from my

 Google illegally deleted my content below on 8-9-23

Please click to enlarge below.


 Below is the screen shot of my blog page that Google deleted on 8-9-23

You can see the back up copy of the illegally deleted blog page, it is slow to load.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Elon Musk has FAILED to offer FREE Speech on X, more Evidence of Crimes by Big Tech

The Appeals go to a Stupid AI software, that just keeps sending Denial Emails. 

I tried it four times, same auto denial every time.

It does not matter what you write, because it just goes to a stupid AI Software Robot.

X is using many methods to unfairly censor Conservatives, MAGA supporters, and Christians.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

See the Most Interesting and Important X posts - Updated Often -- Page Six -- #GotoTom2 #GotoTom on X

Important X Posts

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Below are some of the most interesting and important X posts that I have seen on X.

It takes a few seconds for these Posts to load if your Internet is slow.

Important X Posts

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Sunday, September 08, 2024

A new audit reveals a disturbing bias in Google and YouTube search results.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Evil Google Election Interference - The USA Government has FAILED to Stop Google from interfering in our elections.

Please watch this important Google Election Interference presentation by Dr. Robert Epstein

Dr. Robert Epstein has a Ph.D from Harvard. He is a scientist that has done extensive research on how Google has interfered and manipulated our elections. Robert Epstein has also testified to the USA Congress on this important subject.