I was wrong with my first thoughts, and I learned how super intelligent, talented in multiple business methods, and nice of a person he is. It just proves you can be a nice person and still become a billionaire. The other thing I remember and still think about is how strong, and tenacious of an entrepreneur Reed Hastings is. I remember him talking about how he was "home alone" developing his first software product Purify for two years. Reed faced years of rude rejection from venture capitalists telling him he should give up. I think with that much rejection 98% of people would give up. Then Pure Software became very successful, went public and Reed made a "big old bag of money" which he later used to help start NETFLIX. Towards the end of this video you hear Reed talk about how he loves to compete against Disney, HBO, etc. I still see his passion for business and his desire to compete and win, just like I remember from the old days when I used to have dinner with him.
The video below is very interesting and Reed Hastings receives a standing ovation at the end of the interview.