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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Brett Kavanaugh is a liar and he should NOT be on the USA Supreme Court, he should be charged with perjury, because he lied under oath

I wrote the article below on 10-4-18 and Google has unfairly censored my article.

I am generally not a fan of CNN and I do not always agree with Don Lemon. It is funny to me because Don Lemon claims he is an Independent and not a Democrat or Republican, which is a joke to me because I have watched him since he has been on CNN and I have never seen him support a Republican party position.
Don Lemon seems to always agree with the Democrats, plus he dislikes President Trump. We do not have many "real" Journalists any more, I am more of a journalist then most of the people on CNN. Then you have Fox news which is biased the other way and only supports Republican policies. It is very frustrating for people like me that truly are not affiliated with any political party. 

Yet the truth is the most important thing to me. In this case Don Lemon is correct and he helps prove Brett Kavanaugh is a big liar and that he should be charged with perjury for lying under oath. Brett Kavanaugh should be charged with a felony for being a sneaky scumbag lying lawyer.
Mr. Kavanaugh made an inappropriate attack on the Clinton's in his confirmation hearing, when in fact Brett Kavanaugh is worse then Hillary Clinton in regards to being an unethical lying attorney. I dislike Hillary Clinton and I am not happy with Donald Trump either.
I wish we could find and elect a President like Ronald Reagan again. I did not agree with all of Ronald Reagan's policies, yet almost everyone would agree President Reagan had true integrity and acted very presidential, unlike Donald Trump. In my entire life the biggest political surprise I have ever seen or heard is the Donald Trump video and recording of what Mr. Trump said about women, 

"grab them by the pussy, you can do anything ..." , the surprise being that he was still elected President of the USA after this was released by the media companies. President Trump won the white women vote, with 52% of white women voting for Trump.
President Trump has ruined his credibility with too many lies, incorrect statements, and he cannot be trusted to tell the truth, and the entire truth. I will give you one of many specific examples. President Trump claims he believes Brett Kavanaugh was #1 at Yale undergraduate and also #1 at Yale law school, neither are true.

I am sick and tried of hearing about how wonderful President Trump is from egotistical Donald Trump.
Furthermore I bet Ronald Reagan would have detected that Brett Kavanaugh is not telling the truth and he would have withdrawn his nomination to the USA Supreme Court. 

Now Mr. Kavanaugh's supporters are trying to pretend that Brett Kavanaugh did not lie under oath to the USA Senators.
This claim is ridiculous and incorrect. Let's look at the exact words of the oath Mr. Kavanaugh took:
Do you solemnly (swear/affirm) that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, (so help you God/under pains and penalties of perjury)?

Did Brett Kavanaugh tell the truth?
Answer: No

Did he tell the whole truth?
Answer: No, absolutely not. This is not even debatable based on all the evidence presented below. 

Nothing but the the truth?
Answer: No, Brett Kavanaugh did not.

Some of the proof Brett Kavanaugh lied is in the following articles below.

The more I investigate Brett Kavanaugh's testimony, I keep uncovering more lies from Mr. Kavanaugh.

For example he lied about what "devils triangle" means. Please remember he had this term on his calendar and claimed under oath that it is a drinking game. 

Devils Triangle definition found on the Internet is below:
A sex threesome with 1 woman and 2 men. It is important to remember that straight men do not make eye contact during the sex act with the women. Doing so will question their sexuality.
Larry: Did you hear that Eric and Brian were in a Devils Triangle with Sarah last night?
Brad: Yeah man, I did, what homo's.
Larry: No man, its cool, they didn't make eye contact.
So this helps to prove Dr. Fords sexual assault allegations.
Also Brett Kavanaugh stated that the legal drinking age in Maryland was 18, that is a lie the legal drinking age is 21. 
Maryland's minimum legal drinking age for beer and wine was changed to 21 from 18 in July 1982, during the summer before Kavanaugh's senior year. It was already 21 for hard liquor. Therefore, any drinking that Kavanaugh did in the state of Maryland during high school was illegal.

Kavanaugh incorrectly suggests legal for him to drink in high school ...

There are many more lies and this clearly proves Mr. Kavanaugh should be charged with felony perjury. 
The part that really makes me angry at Brett Kavanaugh is that he thinks he is smarter than everyone else and can get away with these terrible lies.

Also the Senators should have been able to do a much better job of detecting Mr. Kavanaugh's lies like I have. This makes Senator Lindsey Graham and other Senators look like complete idiots and extremely incompetent. If possible these dumb-ass Republican Senators would have confirmed a man that should be in jail for lying under oath. They still might, this is why I have little respect for the USA Senators. Also Brett Kavanaugh should be impeached and removed from his current job.

The Democrats also play their political games and I have a very low regard for them also.

"Chad" Ludington, who now teaches at North Carolina State University, said he was a friend of Kavanaugh's at Yale and that Kavanaugh was "a frequent drinker, and a heavy drinker."
"On many occasions I heard Brett slur his words and saw him staggering from alcohol consumption, not all of which was beer. When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive," Ludington said. While saying that youthful drinking should not condemn a person for life, Ludington said he was concerned about Kavanaugh's statements under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"I have direct and repeated knowledge about his drinking and his disposition while drunk. And I do believe that Brett's actions as a 53-year-old federal judge matter, If he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences. It is truth that is at stake, and I believe that the ability to speak the truth, even when it does not reflect well upon oneself, is a paramount quality we seek in our nation's most powerful judges."

Yes some of Mr. Kavanaugh's old friends might say the above is not correct, the truth is some of Brett Kavanaugh's supportive male friends took part in his drunken misdeeds and may have wanted to be in a "Devil's Triangle" with him. Which probably is the case with Mark Judge and Chris Dudley. There is evidence supporting this idea. Also these guys better be careful if they plan on lying to the FBI, that is a serious crime with jail time.