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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Is Google misleading and lying? Why is the FTC asleep at the wheel?

 Why is the Federal Trade Commission not investigating Google?

Since I am a first-hand witness and ongoing victim of Google's unfair censorship, I know that Google can be a very evil company.
I am surprised that the leadership (CEO) of  Google is not doing more to admit and stop the unfair bias and the evil, inappropriate censorship at Google. Instead Google is just trying to hide the truth. E.g. Why is Google unfairly censoring Project Veritas and their videos of Google employees telling the truth about what really happens inside Google?
Please forward this article and link to the Google employee's video exposing the facts about what Google is really doing. E.g. how Google is trying to control people's thoughts by inappropriately censoring content and unfairly manipulating Google search results. 

Is this the USA or North Korea?
FTC and Department of Justice, please wake up and protect the American people from evil Google. 
People talk about Russia trying to influence our elections, the real danger is coming from Google. We need to stop and expose the "blacklists" of people that Google is unfairly censoring.

Google will unfairly censor this article and many other articles that challenge Google's integrity. I have been following this Project Veritas Google investigation and all citizens of the USA need to know the facts.
So far two senior Google software engineers have made very disturbing videos about what is really going on inside of Google. 
Please watch the Google ex-software engineer's video below.

Why is the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission not making an investigation of Google?
Google is lying to Congress and the American people.