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Wednesday, November 23, 2016 Has a Horrible Online Booking Service and People Should Only Use

From: Tom Forrest Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 5:50 AM
Subject: Your Online Booking Service is a Huge Embarrassment to TripAdvisor and You Should Immediately Take it Off the Internet

Your online booking service is a terrible joke. You should try to see how yours should work.
I am so upset by how terrible TripAdvisor is for online booking and how much of my time you have wasted I am going to write a very negative article about this. I wish I could write a 0-star review on TripAdvisor about your horrible service. Just a few of your many defects.
First you cannot even cancel a reservation online. This is online booking 101, get a clue. Then I must phone the hotel to cancel and I receive arrogant rude service and have to call multiple times to get a cancellation email. Your online system cannot update what it shows online, see screen shot below. And I phone your 24/7 support that outsources me to Portugal, and that person has to switch me to someone I cannot understand in the Philippines. Your Philippines support does not know how to update your website and so these three bookings that would only take 1-second to cancel on are still showing up in your system. How could you possibly believe your service is of any value whatsoever?
All you are doing is wasting my time, upsetting people and ruining your reputation. 

In fact, I just wrote my blog article.

Kind regards, 

Tom Forrest
Office Phone: 805-807-4645