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Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Google Unfair Censorship Videos, Articles and Legal Cases I Found in My Research, I am Doing More Research on this Topic in the Future

Google Unfair Censorship Issues and Abuse Concerns

Google has been slow to index updates to this article and I am feeling sad and reluctant to write any new articles or create new content because Big Brother Google (aka communist Google) continues to unfairly censor me.

If you want to read the content that Google is afraid to let you see and Google has forbidden and unfairly censored, then this website is a good resource.
Google can be worse than Communist China regarding unfair censorship. How many people is Google abusing and unfairly censoring?
Why can't Google just treat all people equally and fairly?
Is that such an unreasonable request?
Why is Big Brother Google unfairly censoring this article?   - Update 9-7-17 Google fixed this and this webpage is no longer unfairly censored by Google.
The strange fact about this webpage that Google is unfairly censoring, is that I complained to Larry Page about this 2-years ago and he made the Google censor police put it back into Google on a Sunday, now 2-years later they took it out of Google again. 

Google needs to stop unfairly censoring, abusing and bullying small business owners or the world needs to work together in order to Stop Evil Google from unfairly censoring sites like

File a Complaint Against Google with the FTC

Please ask the FTC to read this article.
The FTC needs to improve their complaint submission form and should have an entire category and link just for all the Google abuse and Google unfair censoring. When the current form asks for "how much money" you spent, just ignore that.

File your complaint under:  Internet Services, Other Website Issues and skip item #2 "Complaint Details" entirely as this is not a paid service.  Then add the comment to - Please read the following for details:  in item #5 "Comments" section.

Please see example of one submission to the FTC below.
To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to file a complaint against Google for unfairly censoring those who express views that differ from theirs via blogs, videos, and other types of Internet communications.  Google should not have the authority to hide or block these Internet communications from users when no laws have been violated by the creator of these communications. Google should not be allowed to bully website owners and Google should be forced by the FTC to treat everyone equally and fairly. 
Please read the following for details:

Googles actions to block or hide these communications are unfair censorship and penalize my rights and those of the general public in forbidding access to this information. E.g. If I Google "7meg" Google is unfairly censoring, and from the Google search "online password manager".

By Tom Forrest

Google has the First Amendment right to remove sites from their search results.
U.S. District Court Judge Paul Magnuson in the Middle District of Florida said in a ruling. "The First Amendment protects these decisions, whether they are fair or unfair, or motivated by profit or altruism."

This is why we need new government regulations to be applied to Google. The Judge says Google does not have to be fair.

I am conducting research in order to write more articles about Internet censorship. I found this interesting article below about Google.
I do know from my own personal experience of Google inappropriately censoring me, that all people worldwide should be very concerned about Google unfairly censoring, punishing (bullying) and inappropriately penalizing the general public, and business owners websites. 
Google executive management has helped me in the past and I sincerely appreciate it. Frankly I do not believe the founders of Google support unfair censorship so hopefully any bad Google employees will be terminated. Perhaps because Google is so big it is difficult to control mistakes regarding censorship. For example I have an ongoing problem of Google inappropriately censoring and blocking and .org, from showing up anywhere for the Google search "online password manager" because Google does not like an article I wrote. Also the listing in the Google Chrome store for my online password manager is missing in the search results.
I try to be nice and when Google manually takes the unfair censorship off of me, I edit my articles to be less negative about Google. To me that is the polite thing to do, however the next day the Google automated system over writes the manual fix, and since Google has no customer service department, how can I complain?
My only recourse is to write a truthful yet negative article about Google. It seems very silly to me that Google does not have any customer service department at all. I think it leads to much of the criticism of Google and if they fixed this their public relations would be improved. If Google had a way to learn about their embarrassing mistakes, then they could fix them. The current system from the Google "search console" e.g. webmaster tools control panel, or whatever they call it today is of no use in these unfair censorship problems and perhaps Google needs better ways to audit bad employees, e.g. a manager in a different group must approve a serious censorship penalty. Since Google is so secretive we have no idea about what processes Google uses to decide which websites to censor and this leads to unfair terrible punishment of innocent websites and people. How does Google make sure they are implementing their censorship penalties fairly? Who audits and regulates Google to prevent abuse of webmasters and small business owners?

Is Google the Worlds Biggest Censor?
Does Google Need Government Regulation in Order to Protect Small Business Owners?

If Google were just another mom-and-pop shop with a sign saying "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone," that would be one thing. But as the golden gateway to all knowledge, Google has rapidly become an essential in people's lives – nearly as essential as air or water. We don't let public utilities make arbitrary and secretive decisions about denying people services; we shouldn't let Google do so either.

Google does not want communist China censoring them, however it seems to me that sometimes Google is okay with their censoring of people and acting in a similar manner to (like) communist China. Google has brought the government to their doorstep by doing a defective job of protecting people's "freedom of speech" and treating all people equally and fairly regarding Google penalties. A Google penalty is an example of how Google implements censorship. E.g. Denying your content access to the "golden gateway of knowledge", which Google controls.

Please help protect "freedom of speech" and share this blog post and article with your friends and business associates.

Google Won a Lawsuit in Florida, E-Ventures vs. Google

If the USA FTC investigates this topic further they will also find that Google treats small business owners much more harshly and gives penalties (censorship) that are 900%+ longer than too large corporations.
E.g. You will not see Google penalizing BMW for 2.5 years. However this does happen to small business owners and I have evidence and proof. This is not considering that the small business may have not done anything wrong in the first place, it is caused by Google's incompetence and Google not being able to implement their own vague and secretive rules properly.