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Monday, June 06, 2016

Larry Page TED Video Excellent Ideas to Think About from the Google Co-Founder

This video is two years old now and it is still amazing. I have watched it four times over the last five months and each time I watch it I have several creative ideas for new projects.  
My wish is that Charlie Rose and Larry Page decide to make Version 2.0 in 2016.

I hope Larry Page can figure out and cure his voice problem.  Sadly you can still have a health problem that being a billionaire and a genius cannot fix.

I relate to Larry Page in a unique way, as we both have similar mid-western values and a purposeful view on how one should live their life.  E.g. money is nice; however it is not the most important thing in life.  Money does make life easier, however many people from the mid-west of the USA share these core values that Larry Page has.  These types of people are on a mission to accomplish something useful for people today, something that impacts and benefits people's lives in a significant way. The greater the benefits provided the better, and to try to build something even more useful for future generations.  Also to have a lot of fun while still trying to make these very important accomplishments that helps humankind.  Change the world and make it better, looking for 10X+ innovations to help people globally.  There are other people in the world with these same values and goals in life.   
Good video about Elon Musk of SpaceX and Tesla.

In the Larry Page video above I like the comment about how successful companies fail because they "miss the future" and his Android story is fantastic.

Another quote from Larry Page that I like:

"the more I learn about technology the more I realize I don't know"

Funny video to watch...