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Saturday, June 04, 2016

Hire REST API Software Developers, Benefits of REST Architecture, Example of a Real World RESTful Implementation -

This article explains and shows a real world example of implementing a RESTful architecture and using a REST API. The project we just completed doing this for is:
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I have been searching on the Internet for good articles about REST and what the benefits are from a business perspective. Unfortunately most of the articles are very technical and written for computer scientists and programmers.
An API is an Application Programmer Interface is a set of functions, objects, and methods that are made publicly known to developers that allow them to interact with a particular technology in order to create new sites and systems.

Below are the best articles and a video I have found so far.

Benefits of REST Architecture

Only Scalable Architecture can take advantage of Scalable Infrastructure!
This is especially holds true for today's cloud based applications and their scalability demands!
REST architecture benefits for exactly that! Scalable architecture! With layered, n-tier system, it's really easy to scale up RESTful system, with load balancers, caching, than a typical, session oriented, stateful system.

Heterogenous Interoperability
This is really a fancy way of saying - "systems that can serve any type of client"
This benefit comes from the client server decoupling and statelessness. The RESTful system does not depend upon the type of the client in any way.
RESTful API can be consumed by ANY type of client, for example, a web app, a smartphone application, or an embedded device, or any other server environment. This means it can be easily plugged with ANY thing else!
That's super awesome, right?

Independent Evolution of Client and Server?
What does that mean?
Client and server applications can be developed INDEPENDENTLY, that means, the evolution or changes in one does not affect implementation of the other.
Practically, you can have two different teams working on a back-end and a front-end, or you can change or replace back-end / front-end without breaking other.
This is a huge win especially for distributed teams working on the same project.