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Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Why Links Are So Important to the Internet

I Did Not Invent the Internet, However the Man Who Did Links to My Blog

History of the Internet and Leonard Kleinrock one of the Fathers of the Internet

I will show you an example of "good merit based" link building that Google likes.
About the best backlink you could obtain in the software, Internet and SEO industry would be a link from a prestigious university, from a top expert and a famous award winning distinguished person, e.g. the father of the Internet.

Please click here, then click on the #3 video listed on the webpage and see where it links you to.

The following is an excellent article and basic overview of links and why they are so important to the web.
The importance of building high-quality links has never been higher. The need to understand and implement high-quality campaigns is essential if you're going to compete and thrive online, and that isn't going to change any time soon. This guide is designed to get you going quickly and in the right direction.

Powerful backlinks are still by far the most important factor in the Google algorithms and they will continue to be because there is science behind this.

The reason search engines will most likely never change this is that this methodology works great, and no other technique works better. Why Do you think Google named it PageRank?

 Link Building

The people that tell you links are not important any longer are totally incorrect and you should never listen to them.
I am not sure how I can make this point any clearer.

For more advanced information and training about link building or for help, please email
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