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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Common SEO mistakes and why you should create separate product web pages

The following video offers good SEO advice and covers some of the most common mistakes I see business people make when trying to perform SEO on their websites.
There are more reasons than this video describes to follow the proper SEO strategies to help improve your search engine rankings.

There are many factors to good SEO,  it can be complex and confusing trying to decide which advice to follow. It is similar to choosing an attorney to help you. E.g. you may receive multiple opinions from different experts.

Which expert is correct?
You should create a separate web page for each of your different products. If you have 10+ products or services listed on your home page and do not create separate product pages you are making a big SEO mistake. The "title tag" of each page is important and putting way too many keywords in your "title tag" is a huge mistake. You also need link building for all your internal web pages.
Please phone me for more details. 

This concept of creating multiple web pages and complete websites is useful for many types of businesses. Also this applies to different city names, e.g. "flower delivery New York", "plumber Los Angeles", etc.