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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Should Google be worried about new antitrust probes? Do we need new regulations for Google?

It is very interesting that after all the recent government probes Google has decided to stop unfairly censoring my content.

I still leave up the links talking about unfair Google censorship, as it appears to be a cat and mouse game with Google.
Unfortunately I am the mouse in this case, and Google is the evil cat that can destroy me at any moment.

Before Google was exposed for Blacklists and unfairly censoring content, they were unfairly censoring my content for the last four years. However the censorship would go off for a while if I complained to Google, then it would come back. That is why I say "unfair censorship" by Google can be a problem one day, then Google fixes the unfair censorship, then in a few days or months the unfair censorship returns.

So I think it is best for the FTC to put new regulations on Google, as Google cannot be trusted to regulate themselves.