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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Two Tearful Women confront Senator Flake on an elevator, I think Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath, Yale classmates say Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath

By Tom Forrest

I am not affiliated with any political party, I am not a Democrat and I am not a Republican. Sadly both Republicans and Democrats have political motivations that make both parties look very evil.
I am approaching this in a scientific manner, and I only seek the truth.   

At first I had a very difficult time trying to decide who is telling the truth in this Judge Kavanaugh confirmation process. Both testimonies seemed credible and believable to me when I watched the hearing on Thursday.

So who is the liar?

It is Brett Kavanaugh, because more people that were his classmates are speaking up now about his heavy drinking in high school and at undergraduate school at Yale. Several women have said Brett Kavanaugh was a "sloppy drunk", and that he was a very heavy drinker and he became a "mean drunk".
The only way this makes sense to me is that Brett Kavanaugh became so drunk he does not remember what he did to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and to other women.
There is not enough proof to convict him of any sex related assault crime, however Brett Kavanaugh did lie under oath about his previous drinking problems. So then you have to ask yourself what else is he lying about and does he not remember because he was a sloppy wasted drunk that acted inappropriately with women? The Senators kept asking him if he ever "blacked out" from drinking too much. Brett Kavanaugh claims under oath that he never had a "black out" and forgot what he did the night before. According to his Yale classmates that is a blatant lie as is confirmed by the videos below.  Judge Kavanaugh did have "black outs" and he became so severely inebriated that he does not remember what he did to other people. This in fact happened multiple times according to women who drank alcohol (beer) with him at parties at Yale university.

Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed to the USA Supreme Court. We should not have a Supreme Court justice that lies under oath, that by itself without any other evidence disqualifies Brett Kavanaugh to be on the USA Supreme Court. If he would have told the truth and admitted his youthful drinking problems, and if the FBI does not find any new evidence against him, he would/may have been okay. However now that he has lied under oath and in his FOX news TV interview, it is too late for him. I mean he cannot go back and undo the lies he told about his past drinking problems, because he lied under oath in his Senate confirmation hearing.
It is a very sad situation and demonstrates how a past drinking problem can harm your life. It is the same tragic situation when young people get drunk and drive a car, then have an accident and kill an innocent person(s).
