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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

USA President Trump remarks on Putin summit during Congressional meeting

President Trump try's to clarify his comments in Helsinki Finland. In many peoples opinion it is not very believable. It was more than a mistake in just one sentence. What USA President Trump now claims is an obvious bullshit spin job. Mr. Trump has a huge ego and I believe this causes him problems. Many people would have more respect for President Trump if he admitted a bigger mistake and then corrected it. The way President Trump put an untruthful spin on this topic just makes many people even more frustrated with him.

I think President Trump has other big problems that he does not seem to understand.  Mr. Trump is starting a trade war and USA farmers and people living in rural communities will be harmed and will drop support for President Trump. I bet President Trump will not be reelected in 2020, and the trade war he started will be a major reason why he is not reelected.
Some media articles claim Mr. Trump will win this trade war because China has more to lose, I think these people are incorrect and wrong. China will force President Trump to lose and then after the 2020 elections China will work with the new USA President and the trade war will stop and we will have policies similar to before Mr. Trump became the President of America.


Generally I do not like CNN as I think they are biased and not real journalists.

However in this case I think CNN is correct, please watch video below.