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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Michael Cohen's secret recording of a conversation with Trump, Watch the interview of Karen McDougal, she knew President Trump was married

The media is now talking about the legal issues involved with this, e.g. the attorney client privilege. The only way this tape could have been released is if President Trump waived his attorney client privilege for this one tape. USA President Trump did waive his rights to attorney client privilege for just this one tape. There are several more recordings that Mr. Trump has not waived his attorney client privilege. I think more details will come out about this, as Mr. Trump's attorney claims this tape is exculpatory evidence.   
So USA President Trump is caught in another lie, because he keeps denying these sexual affairs ever happened. Yet apparently this tape proves President Trump did nothing illegal. I suppose it is better to be a liar that cheats on your wife, then it is to do something illegal. Do you think Ronald Reagan would have cheated on his wife like this and then lie about it?
Will Evangelicals continue to support USA President Trump?
If they do, then they are horrible hypocrites.

Now many Trump supporters, even conservative Republicans are turning against USA President Trump because of this growing list of lies and the negative image it gives USA President Trump as an evil womanizer.
Karen McDougal exposes USA President Trump's lies in the interview below. She feels guilty about having an affair with a married man, and it makes me laugh about how super conservative VP Pence can keep supporting Mr. Trump and go alone with all of this. When you listen to Anderson Cooper interview Karen McDougal it is very clear she is telling the truth and that USA President Trump is a big liar. So how can we trust anything USA President Trump says or does?

Karen McDougal to Melania Trump: I’m sorry
