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Wednesday, August 09, 2017

The Truth about the Google Memo James Damore Wrote, and Why Google Unfairly Fired Him

I can tell you from my experience that Google does seem too far to the left and does not practice management methods that stronger bosses would endorse. 
I wish people would be more upset at Google about Google's abuse of power when unfairly censoring people like me. I do not work for Google yet I wish the FTC would put regulations on Google so that Google must treat all people equally and fairly. Maybe if I was a women, the management at Google might take unfairly censoring me more seriously and stop unfairly censoring innocent people?

In fairness to Google I think 31% of employees being female is good. Do you know what percentage of women attends America's top engineering schools?
Only 18% of engineering students are women. Why is it only 18% after Universities have spent the last 30 years trying to increase this percentage with very poor results? Perhaps James Damore knows the answer, except he was inappropriately fired by Google only because he was exercising his right as an American to freedom of speech. All people should cherish freedom of speech and Google needs to stop being evil and denying peoples freedom of speech by unfairly censoring people and firing them. We do need an USA Constitutional amendment to protect freedom of speech by employees of Google and on the Internet in general. The video below explains this concept in detail. 
It is interesting that Google does not want to be censored by communist China, yet Google seems to feel okay with unfairly censoring innocent people. Americans should learn from the European Union who recently fined Google $2,700,000,000.
Even though this is a massive fine, it only gave Google (Alphabet) a minor dent in profits. Please remember that Google is the most financially successful company in the all time history of business. Google's revenues currently are in excess of $90,000,000,000 per year. I like to call them "Big Brother Google" or "Communist Google" when they unfairly censor someone, especially if Google unfairly censors me.