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Monday, June 26, 2017

The Oliver Stone Interview Destroys Russophobia - See the Charm and Genius of Russian President Putin

In this recent interview of Russian President Putin, Oliver Stone asks him if he ever has bad days and loses his emotions and becomes angry?
Russian President Putin replies "I am not a women so I do not have bad days".
This is 32 minutes into the video and it shows how Russia is still much more old fashioned and accepts male chauvinistic behavior. Then after Oliver Stone explains to Russian President Putin that he has offended all American women by his comment, he replies that is not his intention, it is just the nature of things.
Google censored the video correctly do to copyright laws, so now I am showing the Showtime promotional video below. 
I doubt a women will become the President of Russia in the next 50 years. Russian President Putin is very intelligent and has his own way of charming people he meets.
The good news is Mr. Putin said that if there was a nuclear war between the USA and Russia there would not be any winner and that "I don't think anyone would survive such a conflict." 
Therefore, Russian President Putin does not want a nuclear bomb war with the USA.
Please understand I believe the Russians have tried to hack the USA political system, and I do not like it when the Russians lie to us, however that does not mean the Russians want a nuclear bomb war with the United States of America.
I think the Russians breaking into our computers is just a fun game for them. Plus they are very good at it.