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Friday, May 12, 2017

YouTube TV is Fantastic and has Excellent Picture Quality and Audio

As you may know I can be very critical of Google (GOOG), however if Google creates a new product that is extremely reliable and offers the best in class quality and pricing, then I must report these facts.
I think YouTube TV is going to take most of the market share from the cable companies and YouTube also rents and sells movies now. Even my favorite movie "No Country for Old Men".
If you are interested in investing in Google, then the following is a good article to read:

YouTube TV is Fantastic

I currently use Google Chromecast, YouTube Red, YouTube TV, NetFlix, Amazon Prime Video, and Pandora commercial free.
Do not buy DirecTV's service that competes with YouTube TV, DirecTV's service does not work. I think AT&T paid way too much for a defective system from DirecTV. I also think the top management of DirecTV are scumbags and crooks, because they have trained the DirecTV support staff to lie and pretend they never heard of any technical problems, when in fact there are multiple reports by many people all over the Internet.  DirecTV (AT&T) owes me a refund for ripping me off for $420, and instead they are trying to cheat people and continue to charge them for their defective service.
I hope the FTC and the FCC investigate these facts and give a huge fine to AT&T for these unethical scams perpetrated by DirecTV.