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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Why Does this Man Film the Inside of America's Dead Shopping Malls?

This is a funny, interesting and yet strange video all at the same time.

Because it is about an odd topic, yet it gives us important insights into culture, history, business and how people behave and cherish their childhood memories of hanging out at the shopping mall.
If you watch the entire video then the ending is very good. My question is why do so many people watch and like this strange yet very funny and interesting video?

Viewer Comments About This Video Below
From: Jane M.
I think everyone wants to feel like they're making a difference and doing something worthwhile, but we forget this as we move through the motions of everyday life.  I think seeing a video that brings back memories of an earlier time (especially when it's a little sad) just seems to remind people of their dreams and hopes and this stirs all sorts of emotions in them.  I always feel that people will be so sad when long time forgotten "ways" that are considered old-fashioned and irrelevant come to an end.  I think the artist validated all of these emotions for himself and everyone who watched and commented.  That's very moving and emotional too.  It's like when everyone comes together with outrage over something (like the guy on the United flight for example), it brings us together for a moment and that's a very good thing.  Anyway, those are my first impressions about it all....