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Sunday, April 09, 2017

USA Launches Airstrikes in Syria - USA President Trump says the Syria chemical attack "crossed many, many lines"

Breaking News
USA Launches Many Airstrikes in Syria

I my opinion the USA should have done what this man states in the video below 6-years ago. The USA should immediately establish a safe zone in Syria. As the old saying goes "better late than never".

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is going to Russia next week to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
I think this is a big problem for the Syrian President Assad. Russian President Putin has a high level of respect for Rex Tillerson and Russia really just cares about having a port on the Mediterranean Sea.
I think it paints a very negative image in the world for Russia if they continue to support Assad the evil baby killer
Frankly when I see these horrible and tragic pictures it makes me wish I could personally torture Assad and then kill him. He is lucky someone like me is not President of the USA as I would be 900% tougher on Assad then President Trump is. Please look at the pictures of all the innocent babies he has killed. Assad must be stopped and removed from being the President of Syria.