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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Fake Reviews are Still a Huge Problem for YELP, the YELP Review Filters are very Defective. Learn about the Fake Video Testimonial Industry

I have written a few articles about fake reviews on Yelp, Google and Amazon.
I still think Yelp as the worst problem with fake reviews and denying real reviews. This is why I wish Google did not even show Yelp reviews. If someone wants to read the unreliable and sometimes fake reviews on Yelp they can just go to the Yelp website. 

I see clients that have had their competitors write fake negative reviews about my clients business, and a few people have written fake reviews about my company. I sued a guy that wrote a fake review about my company on Yelp and won a $6,000 judgement against him. Then for a few years Yelp would not remove the fake negative review so I wrote a popular blog article about what had happened to me. Finally after being embarrassed by my article Yelp decided to remove the fake review. Then Yelp changed their mind ...

Please Boycott Yelp
Now perhaps to send me a message, Yelp put up another 4-year old bogus review full of lies about my company. Therefore I know from experience that the credibility of Yelp reviews is zero.
This is my message to the idiots that manage the useless, crappy and spammy site known as Yelp.

Also I had several real clients write 5-star reviews on Yelp and of course Yelp's lame and defective filter will not show any of the real 5-star reviews.
TrustLink does a superior job to YELP and they show real reviews of HTP Company. Google should demote the Yelp rankings or better yet delete Yelp completely from Google.

I have also met members of the Yelp Elite Squad that earn over $200,000 per year writing fake reviews. Not all Yelp Elite Squad members will write fake reviews, however the small percentage that do can write hundreds of fake reviews per year and earn a good income from it.

People should understand that it is not always so easy to tell a real review from a fake one. In fact a good actor may seem like a real customer, yet a real customer my appear to be fake in a testimonial video only because they are nervous. The other important point I never see mentioned in articles about fake reviews, is that almost all reviews and testimonial videos are fake to some degree.
What do I mean?
When you ask a "real customer" to make a testimonial video you would ask them to be positive and you would most likely give them a script to use in the video. So it is a real customer and they like your company or they would not make the video. However if you give them a script to use for the video then it is no longer an unbiased and real testimonial. It is a happy client of yours reading a script for you just like an actor would. They may not even agree with the script you give them, however they want to help you so they make the testimonial video using the script you wrote and gave them in order to make the video the way you want it. So this "real customer testimonial" may in fact be just as unreliable as a totally fake video.

Fake One-star Yelp reviews at Trump properties have skyrocketed since Election Day

If you have ever stayed at any Trump property you know that they are a 5-star establishment and seeing all these fake reviews in the article I link to above proves that Yelp still has a serious problem and is very defective at detecting fake reviews.