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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Since Google Broke their PageRank Meter, I Recommend People Use Domain Authority

Article Update:
I have long term respect for Danny Sullivan, yet he is totally incorrect with this article. 
This is just more evidence that he is not really an experienced SEO expert, he is a SEO nonpracticing pundit. Just like there are arm chair quarterbacks, I am the star SEO running back scoring the touch downs everyday and I know what is going on from a "real world" first hand experience. Danny makes all these claims about how the Internet and emails will have less spam now, that is total silliness. I really have a hard time believing he even said that. Danny please start using and solve your email spam problems.

This article is way off target and ridiculous, out of respect for Danny Sullivan I will not say anymore about Danny.

Furthermore, having a similar tool that uses some of the same fundamental concepts that Google does is useful, however this is also important for Bing and Yahoo and it gives the Internet surfer some idea about the general importance of a website. E.g. there should be ways for Internet novices to determine how important a website is, so you can decide to trust the content or not. Great sites like the Mayo Clinic (PR7) and Moz score of 94 out of 100 should be recognized as they were by the Google PageRank meter. This is very useful to people surfing the web, it is not just for SEO experts.

Even if you are an advanced Internet user, you would like to have a way to measure the value, importance, and trustworthiness of a website. If I decide to buy some new tennis shoes from a store I never purchased from, I want to see some sort of "site rating" before I make a purchase. Please understand you cannot trust online reviews.

I have been encouraging people to ask Google to bring back the Google PageRank (PR) meter and have written a few articles about it.
Now I really do not think it matters and I am glad there is a better solution.  Hopefully Google will learn that not listening to their loyal users can backfire on them.
I suggest Google should also use MozBar Domain Authority (DA), and compare Google's internal secret results to the excellent accuracy of the MozBar DA and PA.

So now everyone should use:

What is Moz Domain Authority? 
What is Moz Page Authority?

I have done extensive testing on the MozBar and it is very accurate and useful. has several other useful SEO tools and I personally use many different SEO tools. Some tools we build ourselves and some are excellent 3rd party tools. The key to success is having the advice of a SEO expert.
Having access to expert advice is important for any profession and especially for craftspeople.